Saturday, April 2, 2011

Love Leads the Way

There are some huge differences between twenty-somethings today versus those of my day. Emotional maturity ranks the top of the list. I'm not saying young adults today are irresponsible and cannot hold a job. It's more like these young men and women are stunted on an emotional level. Not all mind you, but those I have come into contact with seem to have no idea who they are really, or what they want out of life. This may not necessarily be their fault. Perhaps they've been too busy going to grad school or traveling to ponder the meaning of life. Or perhaps they were never taught the importance of love: giving love, receiving love, showing love, longing for love.

This sounds a little New Age-y even to me, but if I were to put my finger on one major difference between young adults today and Gen-Xers, it would be that we BELIEVED in LOVE, it was all about FINDING LOVE. Yes, you're strange and you "wear black on the outside because that's how you feel on the inside" (The Smiths), but you're not alone...there is someone out there just for you. Had a really messed-up background (Suburbia), the possibility of love is still out there.

It's exciting, because I am beginning to see a change in tweens and teens today. They're into the 80's retro-movement. In my day it was the 50's retro-movement, today movies from the 1980's are becoming popular again (many are about trust and love), 80's music plays regularly on the radio and in supermarkets, 80's fashion for better or for worse is back. But there is also a feeling of romance that young people seem to be aiming for. Romance leads to LOVE which can give you greater emotional development and character.

Could it be that's why the Twilight books are such a huge hit among young girls (and a particular 37 y/o man I know). It's not because those books are so well written, or because they're about vampire wars. It's the love and romance between Bella and Edward, and the hope for a love like theirs that make teen hearts go pitter-patter. Perhaps this new generation wants to be completely enveloped by love. They're tired of being fed a diet of reality shows, nihilism, and 'brutal truths.'

Now this is a generation I can relate to! Of course getting an education is important and you should find work that is fulfilling, but if you don't believe in love or forget about love, putting it aside for another day, then you are giving up on one of the most important things in life. Because love can lead the way to true happiness.

Interesting article...I liked the stats:

Everyone should have an Uncle Buck
A few GREAT 80s movies:
 There's an excellent moral in Planes Trains & Automobiles

Say Anything, This movie still kills me! Hits too close to home...
The Breakfast Club
Jake Ryan...need I say more?

Pretty in Pink

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! Being a twenty-something, I see my peers foundering on Lust and skipping Love all together. It's all about convenience! And me - well, after a life hard around the edges, I just believed for the longest time that the chances of Love finding me were slim to none. I didn't WANT to be all sappy and romantic. BUT - BUT I grew up a bit and watched some more old movies :-) and I'm starting to think I might hope. Being introduced to The Princess Bride was awesome - such blatant romance - such blatant belief in True Love. And, even though it isn't old or very dignified, Shrek was pretty cool too. Even ogres can find true love.. I guess there's hope for me :-) Very well put Girl Friday!
