Thursday, March 17, 2011

Women Who Inspire Me...While I Knit

With all of the dissolving marriages out there in the world, I sometimes find more answers on what it means to be an exceptional wife and woman, not from family, but from characters in film. Of course I say this a bit tongue-in-cheek, but I'm not the only one who has learned valuable lessons through the passive act of watching movies. As a boy, my husband learned the art of being sexy (think young Mickey Rourke) and how to shave, from watching men on the big screen. Just as I learned it was ok to want more out of life than what I was taught, by watching Anne of Green Gables. Happily, I know women who are amazing wives, and women who are amazing mothers; some of them thrive at both (you know who you are), so I'll add their names to my three silver screen examples of women who inspire me.

First, there's Kathleen in The Dark Corner. This is a Girl Friday who knows the power of her legs, but uses her head to help solve the mystery behind her man's misery. Second, and quite possibly my favorite, is Nora Charles in The Thin Man series. She comes from money, but married "beneath her," to a man who solves crimes for a living. Nora may seem very casual about it all, but really she's the one who feeds her husband the right questions, that help him to succeed. Lastly, is Carol in The Phantom Lady. Carol or “Kansas,” as she is affectionately (or annoyingly) called by her boss, is perhaps the most daring of the three women, and since she takes more risks with her life than the others - in truth she's the real sleuth.

If you haven't seen these three women at work, do so ASAP, you will not be sorry. I have just finished watching The Dark Corner for the 10th time, while hand-sewing zippers into 4 crocheted bags I made. Hey, some people enjoy listening to music while they work; I like listening to movies. Tomorrow I'll listen to The Phantom Lady while I finish knitting my last scarf of the year. Over the years, I like to think that I am somehow putting the strong, adventurous spirit of a Girl Friday into each piece I create. This can be done with cooking - remember Like Water for Chocolate? So why not with woolen materials?

Kathleen always has the upper hand with her boss and love, Brad, but in the end she proves that she's playing for keeps. The Dark Corner, 1946.

Nora Charles, the ultimate Wife Friday has fun with her husband and doesn't sweat the small stuff. The Thin Man movies, 1934-1947

Carol, "Kansas" taps into her Doppelganger, without loosing herself, in order to help the man she loves. The Phantom Lady, 1944


  1. Howdy Girl Friday! Good for you. It would be interesting to note all of the things I have learned from old movies - like, all men don't have chest hair, most women think they are too fat, and it's Ok to be a little bit ruthless when it comes to being loyal to Your Man (thank you Miriam Aarons of "The Women" - ever seen it?) No Matter What. I hope to be that sort of woman, and I love to hear that you put that sort of "gutsy broad" spirit into your work - excellent!
    *sigh* I have some movies I need to watch again....

  2. P.S. What kind of bag are you crocheting???
